Crossing Over: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Crossing-over is the exchange of maternal and paternal chromosomes as it occurs during the prophase of meiosis. This piece exchange allows for the trait diversity of offspring. Errors in crossing-over cause diseases such as Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. What is crossing-over? Crossing-over is the exchange of maternal and paternal chromosomes that occurs during the prophase of meiosis. … Crossing Over: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Induced-fit: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The induced-fit theory originated with Koshland and corresponds to an extension of the lock-and-key principle, which assumes that anatomical structures fit together. Induced-fit refers to enzymes such as kinase that change their conformation to form an enzyme-ligand complex. In enzyme defects, the induced-fit principle may be affected by perturbations. What is induced-fit? There is binding … Induced-fit: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Combine: Function, Task & Diseases

Combining is part of human perception. Through the process of perception, people take in stimuli from their environment. Along with the other cognitive abilities of observing, interpreting, judging, and summing, combining is part of crystalline and fluid intelligence. What is combining? Combining is part of human perception. Through the process of perception, people take in … Combine: Function, Task & Diseases

Genetic diseases

Definition A genetic disease or hereditary disease is a disease whose cause lies in one or more genes of the affected person. In this case, the DNA acts as a direct trigger for the disease. For most genetic diseases, the triggering gene locations are known. If a genetic disease is suspected, the respective diagnosis can … Genetic diseases

How hereditary diseases are inherited | Genetic diseases

How hereditary diseases are inherited Every hereditary disease is inherited either monogenetically or polygenetically: this means that there is one or more gene locus that must be altered in order to cause a disease. Furthermore, genetic traits can always be inherited dominantly or recessively: Recessive means that there must be a predisposition for this particular … How hereditary diseases are inherited | Genetic diseases

Hemoglobin Synthesis: Function, Role & Diseases

Hemoglobin synthesis is composed of heme synthesis and globin synthesis. Finally, the linkage of the prosthetic heme group with four globins each occurs to form the iron-containing protein complex hemoglobin. Both disorders in heme synthesis and globin synthesis can lead to serious health problems. What is hemoglobin synthesis? Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein complex found … Hemoglobin Synthesis: Function, Role & Diseases