
Diseases common in old age are: Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias Cardiovascular diseases (e.g. heart attack, heart failure, stroke) COPD Circulatory disorders Kidney weakness Parkinson’s disease Osteoporosis Bone fractures after falls Osteoarthritis Diabetes Cancer Wear diseases of the musculoskeletal system Multimorbidity Geriatric treatment is complicated by the fact that elderly people often suffer from several … Geriatrics

Hydrotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The term hydrotherapy covers all healing treatments related to water. The healing effect is based either on the specific mineral composition of the water or on the temperature differences during an application. As the elixir of life, water is an extremely versatile healing agent. What is hydrotherapy? The term hydrotherapy includes all healing treatments related … Hydrotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Music therapy uses the healing effects of music to alleviate and heal a wide variety of ailments, both physical and psychological. It is a practice-oriented scientific discipline in any form of music therapy. What is music therapy? With the purposeful use of music, whether instrumental, vocal, or other forms of musical performance, the goal is … Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Products Traditional tonics (synonyms: tonics, roborants) are thick preparations, which are mainly offered in glass bottles. Today, effervescent tablets, capsules, tablets and powders, among others, are also on the market. Strengtheners are also manufactured in pharmacies and are available both as approved drugs and as dietary supplements. In many countries, well-known brand names include, for … Tonic

Senescence: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Senescence describes the degenerative process that accompanies natural aging. It is not a synonym for aging itself, but merely encompasses its degenerative aspects. What is senescence? Senescence describes the degenerative process that accompanies natural aging. Every living thing ages. The aging process is accompanied by senescence of its cells: that is, they do not divide … Senescence: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Geriatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Geriatrics is a complex and very lively field in the medical field. Holistic diagnoses and therapy concepts, adapted to the respective person, are created. But what is the term “geriatrics” and what specialties are covered? What is geriatrics? Geriatrics is the study of the diseases of aging people. The age of a geriatric patient is … Geriatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Phoniatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Phoniatrics forms a separate medical specialty, which until 1993 was a subspecialty of otolaryngology (ENT). Phoniatrics deals with hearing, voice, and speech disorders, as well as swallowing difficulties, and carries strong interdisciplinary characteristics. Together with pediatric audiology, which deals primarily with problems in children’s voice and speech development and hearing perception, phoniatrics establishes an independent … Phoniatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Degrees and levels of care

What levels of care are available? The degrees of care have been in effect since 01. 01. 2017 through the second Care Strengthening Act (PSG II) and make it easier for people in need of help to actually be classified as in need of care in order to receive benefits from the care insurance fund. … Degrees and levels of care