
Introduction Inflammation of the breast occurs particularly frequently during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In addition, however, inflammation of the breast can also occur without pregnancy being present. The clinical picture shows typical signs of inflammation, although the symptoms are often more pronounced in nursing mothers. In the event of an inflammation of the breast, it is … Mastitis

Mastitis non-puerperalis | Mastitis

Mastitis non-puerperalis Mastitis non puerperalis is an acute inflammation of the female mammary gland that can have both bacterial and bacterial causes. In contrast to mastitis puerperalis, mastitis non puerperalis develops independently of pregnancy and puerperium. Mastitis non puerperalis accounts for up to 50 percent of all breast infections. The most common pathogens of the … Mastitis non-puerperalis | Mastitis

Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis

Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland Antibiotics should be used for the bacterial form of mastitis. If the mastitis has already turned into an abscess, this must be opened surgically. In both forms (bacterial and non-bacterial) of mastitis non puerperalis, so-called prolactin inhibitors are administered to contain the hormone disorder and thus the … Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis

Forecast | Mastitis

Forecast The prognosis of mastitis depends mainly on the form present in the respective patient. In addition, the time of diagnosis and the initiation of therapy play a decisive role in this context. A mastitis that occurs in direct connection with breastfeeding a child usually has a good prognosis. Especially mild forms of mastitis puerperalis … Forecast | Mastitis

Diagnosis | Mastitis

Diagnosis In most cases, the diagnosis of mastitis non puerperalis is made by interviewing the affected patient. Above all, the symptoms perceived by the patient play a decisive role in the diagnosis of mastitis non puerperalis. If, after an extensive doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis), the presence of mastitis is suspected, further measures can be initiated. In … Diagnosis | Mastitis

Premature placental detachment

What is a premature placental abruption? Premature placental detachment is the detachment of the placenta from the uterus in whole or in part, which takes place while the baby is still in the mother’s womb. Normally, the placenta does not separate until after the birth of the child. Premature placental detachment can be completely free … Premature placental detachment

Diagnosis of premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Diagnosis of premature placental detachment A rapid diagnosis of premature placental detachment is vital, especially in severe cases. For this reason, continuous monitoring of vital parameters and, via CTG (cardiotocography), imaging of the child’s heartbeat are necessary. A palpation of the abdomen and uterus serves to assess the height of the uterus and its tone. … Diagnosis of premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Therapy of a premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Therapy of a premature placental detachment The therapy of premature placental detachment depends on the degree of detachment, the condition of the mother and the condition of the child. If there is little vaginal bleeding and the condition of the mother and fetus is unremarkable, bed rest and check-ups will be performed under inpatient conditions. … Therapy of a premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

How common is a premature placental abruption? | Premature placental detachment

How common is a premature placental abruption? Premature placental abruption is fortunately a very rare pregnancy or birth complication. It occurs in about 0.5-1% of pregnancies. In certain patients who have several risk factors, the likelihood may increase. In general, premature placental detachment can be found in about 30% of vaginal bleeding in the last … How common is a premature placental abruption? | Premature placental detachment