Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

A golfer’s elbow (also called “golfer’s arm”) is when the flexors of the hand cause pain due to overloading. This happens particularly with longer, unaccustomed strain and untrained musculature, with continuous, one-sided load with sport and in the occupation everyday life (PC work, assembly line work). In this case the pain manifests itself on the … Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

Further therapeutic measures When treating a golfer’s elbow, there are various therapeutic measures that are presented in more detail below. These include: Exercises to strengthen the extensor muscles Massage techniques Flossing Cold and heat therapy Acupuncture Electrotherapy (TENS)/Shockwave therapy/Ultrasound applications Acupressure/trigger point treatment Since a golfer’s elbow is typically caused by overloading the flexor muscles … Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow