Cyclothyme Fault | What types of depression are there?

Cyclothyme Fault Cyclothymia is one of the persistent, affective disorders. It describes a persistent unstable mood that constantly fluctuates between two extremes. It is therefore a manic-depressive illness (bipolar disorder) in an attenuated form. Episodes of slightly depressed mood are replaced by episodes of slightly manic (hypomanic) mood. However, the depressive and manic symptoms never … Cyclothyme Fault | What types of depression are there?

Psychogenic Depression | What types of depression are there?

Psychogenic Depression Three types of depression are summarized here under psychogenic depression: Reactive depression (outdated term), neurotic depression (outdated term) and exhaustion depression. What all three forms of depression have in common is that they are triggered by a specific emotional event, such as traumatic experiences. Examples are divorce, death of a close relative, loss … Psychogenic Depression | What types of depression are there?

Winter Depression | What types of depression are there?

Winter Depression In technical jargon, winter depression is referred to as seasonal depression. In the classification of mental disorders, it is subsumed under recurrent depressive disorders. As the name suggests, this type of depression occurs mainly in the winter months. This is probably related to the lack of daylight during this time of year, which … Winter Depression | What types of depression are there?