Grief Starts Before Death

Chris Paul, social psychologist and director of the TrauerInstitut Deutschland, describes four tasks of mourning: grasping the reality of death and loss @ living through the diversity of feelings to perceive and shape changes in the environment @ assigning a new place to the dead person As a loved one, you must somehow manage these … Grief Starts Before Death

Mental Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) is sounding the alarm: negative stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century. And depression – currently the fourth most common cause of illness worldwide – is expected to be the most widespread health impairment after cardiovascular disease by 2020. In scientific terms, the soul is identical to … Mental Health

The different phases of grief

Definition The term mourning describes a state of mind that occurs as a reaction to a distressing event. The distressing event is not further defined and can basically be understood differently by each person. Often losses of close persons, important relations or other blows of fate are reasons for grief for many humans. The definition … The different phases of grief

Stomach ache due to psyche

Introduction Problems of the psyche or anxiety-laden situations are often reflected in stomach aches. Everybody knows the unpleasant gut feeling, for example before exam situations. This is particularly common in children. Causes The term “psychosomatic” is used to describe mental and psychological complaints/worries and/or inner-psychic conflicts, which manifest themselves in physical complaints, often including stomach … Stomach ache due to psyche

Psychogenic abdominal pain in children | Stomach ache due to psyche

Psychogenic abdominal pain in children Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms expressed by children. Often, especially in the case of recurring abdominal pain, no organic cause in the sense of a physical illness can be found. This is often called navel colic in children. Meanwhile it is assumed that every fifth child … Psychogenic abdominal pain in children | Stomach ache due to psyche

Psychogenic Depression | What types of depression are there?

Psychogenic Depression Three types of depression are summarized here under psychogenic depression: Reactive depression (outdated term), neurotic depression (outdated term) and exhaustion depression. What all three forms of depression have in common is that they are triggered by a specific emotional event, such as traumatic experiences. Examples are divorce, death of a close relative, loss … Psychogenic Depression | What types of depression are there?

Winter Depression | What types of depression are there?

Winter Depression In technical jargon, winter depression is referred to as seasonal depression. In the classification of mental disorders, it is subsumed under recurrent depressive disorders. As the name suggests, this type of depression occurs mainly in the winter months. This is probably related to the lack of daylight during this time of year, which … Winter Depression | What types of depression are there?