Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus | Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus Iron storage in hemochromatosis affects not only the liver, but many other organs as well. One of the organs affected is the pancreas, which produces the hormone insulin. Insulin is essential for sugar metabolism. The pancreas is damaged by the storage of iron, which can reduce or even stop the production … Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus | Hemochromatosis

History | Hemochromatosis

History The first information about the appearance of hemochromatosis was given by a Mr. Armand Trousseau in the 19th century. He described a symptom complex consisting of liver cirrhosis, diabetes and dark skin pigmentation. 20 years later the term hemochromatosis was coined. In the 1970s, the autosomal recessive inheritance was recognized and in the 1990s … History | Hemochromatosis


Synonyms Primary siderosis, hemosiderosis, siderophilia, iron storage disease English: hematochromatosis Introduction Hemochromatosis is a disease in which there is an increased absorption of iron in the upper small intestine. This increased absorption of iron causes the total iron in the body to rise from 2-6g to values up to 80g. This iron overload results in … Hemochromatosis

Joint pain and skin rash

Definition Skin rash and joint pain are two symptoms that usually occur separately. A skin rash often occurs as part of a bacterial or viral infection or a fungal infection. Joint pain is a frequent companion of a flu-like infection, but can also be a sign of a chronic disease. Rheumatoid arthritis and other illnesses … Joint pain and skin rash

Symptoms | Joint pain and skin rash

Symptoms Since joint pain and skin rashes occurring together can be a systemic disease affecting several organ systems, a wide range of symptoms can accompany them. Some of these should, if they occur, be urgently described to the doctor, because they can give important clues about the nature of the disease. These include: severe fatigue … Symptoms | Joint pain and skin rash

Therapy | Joint pain and skin rash

Therapy The treatment and therapy for joint pain, which occurs together with skin rashes, depends on the underlying cause. This also applies to the duration of the disease. Today, bacterial infections can usually be treated well with antibiotics and therefore take an uncomplicated course in most cases. This is especially true for Lyme disease, which … Therapy | Joint pain and skin rash

Hypersplenism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypersplenism is a condition that may occur in conjunction with splenomegaly. In this condition, the spleen enlarges, increasing its functional effects more than necessary and causing difficulties. What is hypersplenism? Basically, the term hypersplenism refers to hyperfunction of the spleen. The synonymous term hypersplenism may also be used for the condition. In the majority of … Hypersplenism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Genetic test – When is it useful?

Definition – What is a genetic test? Genetic tests play an increasingly important role in today’s medicine, as they can be used as diagnostic tools and for therapy planning of many diseases. In a genetic test, the genetic material of a person is analyzed to find out whether hereditary diseases or other genetic defects are … Genetic test – When is it useful?

These hereditary diseases can be determined by genetic testing | Genetic test – When is it useful?

These hereditary diseases can be determined by genetic testing Hereditary diseases can have very different mechanisms of development and can therefore be difficult to diagnose. There are so-called “monoallel” generic diseases, which are triggered 100% by a known defective gene. On the other hand, several genes in combination can cause the disease or a genetic … These hereditary diseases can be determined by genetic testing | Genetic test – When is it useful?

Breast cancer – What does BRCA mean? | Genetic test – When is it useful?

Breast cancer – What does BRCA mean? Breast cancer is a disease that is usually multifactorial in origin. This means that many internal and external circumstances contribute to the coincidence of breast cancer development. Angelina Jolie is one of the best known examples where a genetic mutation increases the risk of breast cancer. She had … Breast cancer – What does BRCA mean? | Genetic test – When is it useful?