Medicinal Plants as Medicines

Even before ancient times, people used various spices – in ritual acts, in the kitchen and in the art of healing. Today, the healing effects of certain spices have been scientifically studied and confirmed. Thus, the dried medicinal plants are an important part of modern herbal medicine. We introduce you to various medicinal plants and … Medicinal Plants as Medicines

Medicinal Drug

Parts of the plant used Leaves (folium) Flowers (Flos) Fruits (Fructus) Tuber (Tuber) Herb (Herba) Bark (Cortex) Seeds (Semen) Root (Radix) Rootstock (rhizoma) Bulb (bulb) Wood (Lignum) Stems (Stipes, Caulis) Branch (Ramulus) Branch tip (Summitates) Bran (Furfur) Drug names are written in Latin in the singular, for example, Betulae folium – birch leaves. See also … Medicinal Drug