Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Introduction Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a disease of wear and tear caused by incorrect and excessive strain and is one of the most common orthopedic diseases, especially in older patients. In most cases, osteoarthritis of the hip joint does not initially cause any symptoms and the person affected is not aware of the … Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis | Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis are increased pain, which increases in intensity and duration. This pain leads to an increasing restriction of certain movements in the affected patient and significantly changes the gait pattern. As with incipient hip arthrosis, the initial pain is also a symptom of advanced hip arthrosis. … Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis | Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Cortisone syringe

Introduction As the bones become heavier and heavier over the years and the joints increasingly refuse to function, many affected people have a “cortisone injection” administered by the orthopaedist of their choice. But also young adults and adolescents usually undergo this therapy after sports injuries, which is intended to relieve pain and increase mobility. But … Cortisone syringe

Nutrition for hip arthrosis

Introduction Hip arthrosis is a common clinical picture, because with increasing age the connective and supporting tissue and thus also the joint cartilage is degeneratively converted. Arthrosis can develop as a result of incorrect loading or an accident with fracture of the hip joint. Nutrition plays a role in the development of hip arthrosis because … Nutrition for hip arthrosis

Inflammation of the hip

Coxitis, bursitis trochanterica, coxitis fugax, activated arthrosis Definition Inflammation of the hip often develops in the hip joint and can be accompanied by the typical signs of inflammation such as pain, swelling, fever and general malaise. Frequency Infectious inflammation of the hip occurs approximately two to ten times in 100,000 patients and is most frequently … Inflammation of the hip

Symptoms | Inflammation of the hip

Symptoms In infectious inflammation of the hip joint, the inflammation causes severe pain, which typically radiates into the groin. Patients describe it as very unpleasant and dragging. Due to the severe pain, the affected person often takes a relieving posture. He rotates the leg slightly outwards and holds it in a slightly bent position. In … Symptoms | Inflammation of the hip

Therapy | Inflammation of the hip

Therapy In the case of an infectious inflammation of the hip, it is treated with the appropriate antibiotic as soon as the pathogen is determined. During an in-patient treatment in hospital, this treatment is usually carried out intravenously by means of infusions for several days, which has the advantage that the antibiotic reaches the blood … Therapy | Inflammation of the hip

Cartilage damage at the hip

Normally, the structure of the cartilage ensures painless and optimal movement in the joint. It allows the two bones involved, the thigh and the hip, to glide back and forth and perform everyday movements such as climbing stairs and walking without any problems. Without the cartilage, these movements would be unthinkable. Cartilage baldness describes the … Cartilage damage at the hip