Therapy of hysteria

Therapy In a way, the therapy of hysteria begins with the first contact. Usually conversion disorders are only discovered after months and the consultation of all possible specialists. The reason for this is often that the suspicion that the patient’s suffering is “only psychological” causes the person seeking advice to feel neither understood nor taken … Therapy of hysteria

Hysteria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Few terms exist that have been misinterpreted and reinterpreted more often and caused more discussions than that of hysteria. Already used by the famous ancient physicians Hippocrates and Galen, the term has a very different meaning today and is better researched than it was two and a half thousand years ago. But there is still … Hysteria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Synonyms Hysterical neurosis Conversion neurosis, dissociative disorder, histrionic personality disorder Definition Hysteria, or dissociative disorder, is not a uniform clinical picture, but rather a group of different mental illnesses which have in common that the connection and cooperation between body and mind is disturbed. Thus, the awareness of one’s own identity, whether in the case … Hysteria

Personality disorder

Synonyms Paranoid personality disorder, Schizoid personality disorder, Dissocial personality disorder, Emotionally unstable personality disorder, Histrionic personality disorder, Anancastic (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder, Anxiety-preventing personality disorder, Asthenic (dependent) personality disorder Summary The term “personality disorder” covers a wide spectrum of quite different disorders, which are characterized by the particularly extreme manifestation of certain character traits or “peculiarities”. … Personality disorder

Different types of personality disorder | Personality disorder

Different types of personality disorder In the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), the following disorders are highlighted within the personality disorders in the narrower sense: It is already noticeable from the above list that there are areas of overlap between the individual personality disorders. Occasionally personality disorders are therefore assigned to symptom-oriented superordinate … Different types of personality disorder | Personality disorder

Frequency | Personality disorder

Frequency The frequency of personality disorders is stated as 6-23%, a certain number of unreported cases is not unlikely due to the difficulty of grasping them. The most common personality disorders include dependent, dissocial, histrionic and borderline personality disorders. The gender distribution is different for the different types of personality disorders. Cause The cause for … Frequency | Personality disorder

Histrionic Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sufferers of histrionic personality disorder, or HPS for short, exhibit marked theatrical and egocentric behavior. Treatment can only occur when sufferers show insight and seek help for themselves, and consists of many years of psychotherapy. What is histrionic personality disorder? Like all personality disorders, HPS manifests in a pattern of perception and behavior described as … Histrionic Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment