Muscle Dysmorphia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Individuals with the condition muscle dysmorphia pursue the ideal image of an extremely muscular appearance. They compulsively try to achieve this. According to their disordered view, they will never achieve this goal, this appearance. What is muscle dysmorphia? Generally, muscle dysmorphia (MD), also known as bigorexia (biggerexia), adonis complex or muscle addiction, is considered to … Muscle Dysmorphia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gingival Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gingival hyperplasia is a growth of the gums. It belongs to the group of periodontal diseases. What is gingival hyperplasia? Gingival hyperplasia is a growth of the gums. It is classified in the group of periodontal diseases (periodontopathies). The term gingival hyperplasia is composed of the Latin terms “gingiva” (gums) and “hyperplasia” (excessive formation of … Gingival Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hodgkins Disease (Hodgkins Lymphoma): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hodgkin lymphoma, also known as Hodgkin’s disease or lymphoma, is a malignant cancer of the lymphatic system. The disease was named after its discoverer, Thomas Hodgkin. What is Hodgkin’s disease? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of lymph nodes. Click to enlarge. In short, Hodgkin’s lymphoma means lymph node cancer. Although the disease is … Hodgkins Disease (Hodgkins Lymphoma): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperandrogenemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperandrogenemia describes a dysfunction of the ovaries and/or adrenal glands, which can be triggered by various causes and occurs in different forms. The condition results from excessive secretion of male sex hormones (androgens). Without treatment, hyperandrogenemia often results in infertility and a resulting unfulfilled desire to have children. What is hyperandrogenemia? Hyperandrogenemia is an excess … Hyperandrogenemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pregnant Despite Period

Again and again in the news there are stories of women who say that they were pregnant despite periods. This sounds strange to many women, because the pregnancy should have been noticed by the absence of periods. However, many of these women report that they would have continued to have regular periods. Can you be … Pregnant Despite Period