Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Classification of perception corresponds to categorization, which helps interpret what is perceived. All human cognitive categories together form the mental representation of the world. Misclassifications of perception occur in the context of delusions. What is classification? Classification is a part of cognitive perceptual processing and is often associated with the expression of categorical perception. Classification … Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Dysmorphophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysmorphophobia is the exaggerated mental preoccupation with a self-supposed physical disfigurement. It is therefore a false perception of the body. Also called disfigurement syndrome, this psychiatric disorder is characterized by a compulsive and excessive urge to perceive oneself as obnoxious or ugly. Long scientifically controversial, body dysmorphic disorder is now coming more into the focus … Dysmorphophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Psychosomatics is a special branch of human medicine. The school is based on a way of looking at things, according to which mental characteristics can also indirectly or directly influence physical health. There is thus an inseparable connection between psyche (mind) and body. The therapy of psychosomatic diseases requires a holistic treatment concept consisting of … Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Cyberchondria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cyberchondriasis is the term used to describe a mental disorder in which sufferers develop a serious fear of being seriously ill by intensively researching symptoms of illness on the Internet. It is a neologism made up of the word components “cyber” and “hypochondria.” What is cyberchondriasis? Cyberchondria is spoken of when those affected develop hypochondriacal … Cyberchondria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypochondria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypochondria is a serious mental disorder. Sufferers are firmly convinced that they are suffering from a serious illness without this being confirmed by a medical diagnosis. Sufferers are usually very aware of their behavior, but still cannot control their fears. What is hypochondria? The mental disorder hypochondriasis is expressed as an unfounded fear disorder of … Hypochondria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment