Ichthyosis: Treatment

Ichthyoses are not curable. Their treatment is therefore based on the individual signs of the disease and is therefore only symptomatic. Since the skin is overall too dry, it needs water and fat and must be “descaled”. Baths with common salt and bath oil are considered very useful. Sponges for brushing the skin are essential. … Ichthyosis: Treatment

Ichthyosis (Ichthyosis)

Ichthyosis, also known by the technical term ichthyosis, refers to a genetically caused skin disease in which skin cell renewal is disturbed. Increased to extreme scaling and keratinization of the skin is the main feature of ichthyosis, which occurs in numerous manifestations and is triggered by errors in the genetic material. The life of sufferers … Ichthyosis (Ichthyosis)

Dehydrogenases: Function & Diseases

Dehydrogenases are enzymes involved in oxidation processes. They occur in the human body in different variants and catalyze, for example, the breakdown of alcohol in the liver. What are dehydrogenases? Dehydrogenases are specialized enzymes. These biocatalysts accelerate the natural oxidation of substrates. A substance that oxidizes loses electrons. In biological reactions, dehydrogenases split hydrogen anions … Dehydrogenases: Function & Diseases

Dermotrichia Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dermotrichia syndrome is a disease that usually has genetic causes. Consequently, affected patients suffer from dermotrichia syndrome from birth. At the same time, previous observations show that the disease occurs on average only with low frequency in individuals. Dermotrichia syndrome is essentially characterized by three typical complaints. These are alopecia, ichthyosis and photophobia. What is … Dermotrichia Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Alcohol pain is a pain in the lymph node region, which occurs after at or after drinking alcohol. It is a typical symptom of Hodgkin’s disease, a malignant cancer of the lymph nodes. What is alcohol pain? The term alcohol pain refers to a very specific symptom of Hodgkin’s disease. In this disease, cancer cells … Alcohol Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dorfman-Chanarin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome is a genetic metabolic disorder that affects the storage of triglycerides. This syndrome belongs to the so-called storage disorders. Because of its genetic basis, causal treatment of the disease is not possible. What is Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome? Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome is an extremely rare storage disorder with abnormal storage of triglycerides (neutral fats) in various … Dorfman-Chanarin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neu-Laxova Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neu-Laxova syndrome is a malformation syndrome that has been associated with incest. Affected children have multiple malformations with a usually lethal course. Therapeutic options are almost nonexistent because of the severity and multiplicity of the malformations. What is Neu-Laxova syndrome? Malformation syndromes are a set of symptom complexes that appear from birth as multiple malformations. … Neu-Laxova Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Ichthyosis is the so-called fish scale disease. This disease is based on a genetic defect which can be inherited, but can occasionally occur in people without a genetic defect. Approximately every 300th person is affected by ichthyosis, some less severely, others very severely. Ichthyosis is an incurable skin disease. Nevertheless, there are some things that … Ichthyosis