
Tooth crowding (synonyms: Tooth position anomalies; abnormal tooth crowding; anomalous tooth crowding; acquired absence of teeth with defective occlusion; defective bite due to missing teeth; dentition anomaly; impacted tooth with abnormal position; impacted tooth with abnormal position of adjacent teeth; impacted tooth with abnormal position; impacted tooth with abnormal position of adjacent teeth; impacted and … Teething

Pulp Inflammation: Pulpitis

Pulpitis – what is it? Pulpitis is also colloquially known as dental neuritis. The pulp is the term used to describe the nerves and blood vessels that lie embedded in the connective tissue inside a tooth and supply it. Pulp disease is divided into four stages: Acute pulpitis Reversible pulpitis – reversible, curable. Irreversible pulpitis … Pulp Inflammation: Pulpitis

Dental Injuries: Dental Trauma

Time and again, teeth are injured as a result of falls, accidents or external violence. Children in particular often fall, whether during their first attempts at walking, romping or cycling. In dental trauma – colloquially known as dental injury – (synonym: ICD-10-GM S09.-: Other and unspecified injuries to the head), a distinction is made between … Dental Injuries: Dental Trauma

Tooth Mobility Analysis (Periotest)

Periotest (synonym: tooth mobility analysis) is a device that allows measuring the mobility of teeth or implants in the jawbone. It allows an objective evaluation of the condition of bone or periodontium. Indications (areas of application) Periodontal status (status of the periodontium)Incipient damage to the periodontium (periodontium) or failure of an implant to heal can … Tooth Mobility Analysis (Periotest)


Carisolv is a chemomechanical method for removing dental caries. For this purpose, the caries is exposed to a gel with special chemical components for a certain exposure time and then removed with the help of a blunt hand instrument. Dentin (tooth bone) consists of a hard tissue component embedded in a collagen framework. Dental caries, … Carisolv

Bacterial Plaque Demonstration

Plaque, or biofilm, is the term used to describe the microbial plaque that forms on the surfaces and in the approximal spaces (interdental spaces) of teeth when dental hygiene is inadequate. Demonstration of this bacterial plaque is a valuable aid for patients, enabling them to identify and target their oral hygiene deficits. A large number … Bacterial Plaque Demonstration

Fiber Optic Transillumination (FOTI)

Fiber optic transillumination (FOTI) is a method for diagnosing carious dentin lesions in the proximal surfaces. As a non-invasive and practical method, FOTI is a useful addition to visual caries diagnostics. In both the deciduous and permanent dentition, it is difficult to visually diagnose caries in the proximal surfaces (in the interdental spaces) as long … Fiber Optic Transillumination (FOTI)

Caries Treatment with Ozone

The molecule ozone (O3), which exists as a gas at room temperature, is a very reactive, powerful oxidizing agent. Caries treatment using ozone makes therapeutic use of its bactericidal (bacteria-killing) properties, which result from oxidation processes on the cell membranes of microorganisms. Ozone treatment is user-friendly due to its uncomplicated procedure and low time expenditure, … Caries Treatment with Ozone

Caries Detector

A caries detector (synonyms: caries detector; caries finder) is a liquid consisting of a solvent with a defined molecular size and a dye. The solution is used to check a carious lesion (a hole) after excavation (caries removal) and before further restorative (filling) treatment to ensure that no residual carious dentin (tooth bone) remains. Caries … Caries Detector

Transillumination, X-ray, Laser and Caries Detector: Caries Diagnostics

The earliest possible detection of a developing carious lesion is the task of differentiated caries diagnostics (English : caries diagnostics), to which several methods contribute. This is because it is usually not possible to detect caries at an early stage using only one method. The incidence of caries in the German population has decreased significantly … Transillumination, X-ray, Laser and Caries Detector: Caries Diagnostics

Caries Risk Assessment

Caries risk assessment methods are used for early detection of increased caries risk with the aim of providing intensive and close-meshed care to affected patients to avert the disease of caries (tooth decay) or to be able to treat it at an early stage. Caries is a disease of the tooth hard substances dentin (tooth … Caries Risk Assessment

Caries Protection Through Xylitol

The desire for sweets is probably as old as mankind itself. But the precious sugar is blamed for a variety of problems when consumed frequently, including an increased risk of caries. Those who snack frequently between meals and do not practice adequate oral hygiene develop more carious lesions in their lifetime than those who rarely … Caries Protection Through Xylitol