How does an inflammation under the crown develop? | Inflammation under the dental crown

How does an inflammation under the crown develop? Inflammation under a crown is usually caused by the penetration of bacteria. Of course, the question arises how the bacteria can get under the crown, because after all, it is usually made of metal. The biggest weak point is the marginal area, i.e. the transition from the … How does an inflammation under the crown develop? | Inflammation under the dental crown

Fabrication and insertion of a crown | Inflammation under the dental crown

Fabrication and insertion of a crown In principle, every tooth can be crowned. It only has to be sufficiently firmly anchored in the jawbone, the root and root tip must be healthy and the gums must be in good condition. Whether a tooth can be crowned is sufficiently examined before. The patient is now spoilt … Fabrication and insertion of a crown | Inflammation under the dental crown

Risks of a crown restoration | Inflammation under the dental crown

Risks of a crown restoration That a crown will last a lifetime seems rather unrealistic in most cases. Inflammation can spread underneath or other complications can lead to premature loss. If the gums become inflamed and the inflammation possibly spreads to the bone, the loss rate is high. Reasons for this can be an already … Risks of a crown restoration | Inflammation under the dental crown

Digital Imaging: Result Preview

In esthetic dentistry, digital imaging can be used to simulate the result of a planned treatment in advance. The procedure serves as a visualization and planning aid for both practitioner and patient. Indications (areas of application) The use of digital imaging is significant for patients in that it provides them with a realistic treatment outcome, … Digital Imaging: Result Preview

Arthrosis Deformans of the Temporomandibular Joint

Arthrosis deformans of the temporomandibular joint – colloquially called temporomandibular joint arthrosis – (synonyms: osteoarthritis; osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint) is a chronic degenerative joint disease that can affect the temporomandibular joint, but also other joints. It results from many years of incorrect or excessive stress, for example as a result of persistent dysfunction. The … Arthrosis Deformans of the Temporomandibular Joint

Dental Surgery (Oral Surgery)

Oral surgery (synonym: dental surgery) is a branch of dentistry that encompasses “dental surgery, including the treatment of luxations and fractures in the area of dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery (jaw fracture treatment), as well as the corresponding diagnostics”. Furthermore, oral surgery deals with the recognition, diagnosis and therapy of benign (benign) and malignant (malignant) … Dental Surgery (Oral Surgery)

Loss of Tooth Structure (Abrasions)

Abrasions of the teeth – colloquially called tooth wear – (synonyms: Abrasio dentium; Ankylosis of teeth; Proximal tooth wear; Attrition of tooth structure; Attrition of teeth; Pronounced attrition of teeth; Decalcification of teeth; Dental ankylosis; Dental resorption; External tooth resorption; Habitual tooth abrasion; Hyperplasia cementi; Hyperplasia of tooth cementum; Dental abrasion; Dental abrasion from dentifrices; … Loss of Tooth Structure (Abrasions)

Dry Tooth Tray, Alveolitis Sicca

Alveolitis sicca–colloquially called dry tooth socket–(from Latin alveolus “hollow” and siccus “dry”; synonyms: Dolor post extractionem; dry socket; Alveolar gangrene; Alveolar ostitis; Alveolar periostitis; Alveolodental periostitis; Alveolitis of the jaw; Apical ostitis; Dry socket; Suppuration of the dental periosteum; Inflammation of the dental alveoli; Granuloma apicale; Maxillary alveolitis; Dry dental socket; Dental socket inflammation; Dental … Dry Tooth Tray, Alveolitis Sicca

Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Hereditary dysplasia (malformation) of the enamel is known as amelogenesis imperfecta (synonyms: Amelogenesis; Amelogenesis imperfecta; Dentine dysplasia; Dentinogenesis imperfecta; Dentinogenesis imperfecta II syndrome; Hereditary tooth structure disorder; Odontogenesis hypoplastica; Odontogenesis imperfecta sive hypoplastica; ICD-10: K00.5). The enamel is impaired in either quantity or quality.The disorder is most common in northern Sweden (1:718), and rather rare … Amelogenesis Imperfecta


A headgear (external arch, external braces) is an orthodontic appliance that uses extraoral traction bands (traction bands outside the mouth) to effectively apply forces to teeth and bone structures, especially those of the upper jaw. This is done in combination with intraoral (in the oral cavity) fixed or removable appliances. The headgear itself consists of … Headgear