Feed Double Plate

The advancement double plate (VD, VSD) is an orthodontic treatment device for the therapy of an Angle Class II (mandibular recession, distal bite). It was developed by Schwarz and later modified by Sander.The following Angle classes are distinguished: I – neutral bite (correct toothing). II – Distal bite (mandibular recession). II-1 – Distal bite with … Feed Double Plate

Tooth Stabilizer (Retainer)

A retainer (synonyms: tooth stabilizer, retention device) is a removable or fixed orthodontic appliance worn to stabilize the long-term success of orthodontic therapy after it is completed. In the course of orthodontic treatment, teeth are moved in the jawbone, optimizing their position. This is possible by applying precisely measured forces. As a result, bone is … Tooth Stabilizer (Retainer)

Dental anomalies

Introduction Deviations from the normal position of the upper jaw teeth in relation to the lower jaw teeth are called dentition anomalies or denture anomalies. The characteristics of these malocclusions can be very different. The causes can also be different. Heredity, bad habits, premature tooth loss, injuries or, very rarely today, rickets are possible. This … Dental anomalies

Prognosis | Dental anomalies

Prognosis The front teeth stand far in front of the lower teeth and are tilted outwards. Thumb-sucking or bad pacifiers cause this positional anomaly. If only the teeth are affected, orthodontic appliances can eliminate this anomaly. It may be necessary to remove teeth to make room. In more severe cases, when the jawbone is also … Prognosis | Dental anomalies

Palatal Brace

What is a cleft palate? A palatal brace is a device that can be used during sleep to prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Such a snoring brace has an omega shape and fits the palate. It prevents the soft palate from vibrating and is designed to eliminate snoring sounds. Where is the palatal brace inserted? … Palatal Brace

What kind of palate braces are available? | Palatal Brace

What kind of palate braces are available? Velumount snoring ring – classic palatal brace against snoring, named after its inventor Arthur Wyss. Anti-snoring braces – so-called protrusion splints, which are inserted into the mouth overnight. How does a palatal brace work? Palatal braces consist mainly of plastic and are inserted into the oral cavity. This … What kind of palate braces are available? | Palatal Brace

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment is when treatment measures need to be taken to prevent or eliminate habits that are harmful to the dentition (habits, orofacial dyskinesias) or for abnormalities of the teeth or jaws before the age of 9 years. Only rarely is it necessary to start treatment before the age of 4. Early treatment focuses … Early Orthodontic Treatment

Lingual Technology

The lingual technique is an orthodontic treatment method using fixed appliances composed of brackets and wire archwires. For aesthetic reasons, the brackets in the elaborate lingual technique are bonded to the inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue, while in the more common labial technique (brackets are bonded to the outer surface of the … Lingual Technology

Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Lip and cheek bands sometimes radiate into the marginal gingiva (the gum line). Here, their strong traction forces damage the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and prevent natural or orthodontic gap closure, so they should be removed by the surgical procedure of frenectomy. Lip and cheek bands – called frenula – are made of muscle and … Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Multiband Apparatus

Multiband appliances belong to the group of fixed orthodontic appliances for the correction of malocclusions. Fixed therapy is usually preceded by treatment with removable appliances. Many orthodontic treatments are performed with fixed multiband appliances for a part of the therapy period. This affects a number of anomalies in tooth position, such as rotated positions, teeth … Multiband Apparatus

Oral Vestibular Plate

An oral vestibular plate (MVP) is an orthodontic appliance used in early treatment starting at age 4, particularly to stop so-called habits (habits that damage the dentition; orofacial dyskinesias). The changeover from mouth breathing to nose breathing can also be supported by MVP. If habits are stopped early, this may eliminate the need for orthodontic … Oral Vestibular Plate