Frey Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Frey syndrome (synonyms: Auriculotemporal syndrome; Frey-Baillarger syndrome; Frey’s syndrome; Gustatory sweating; Gustatory hyperhidrosis; Frey’s disease; ICD:10-GM G50.8: Other diseases of the trigeminal nerve) refers to profuse sweating in defined areas of skin on the face and neck, triggered by gustatory stimuli (taste stimuli) such as chewing, tasting, or biting. The Polish neurologist Lucja Frey-Gottesmann described … Frey Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Functional Disorders

Functional disorders (dysfunctions) are disorders in the normal interaction of teeth and muscles. These include: Teeth grinding Teeth clenching Cheek biting Tongue biting Symptoms – complaints Dysfunction is usually recognized by pain, but other complaints are also possible: Cracking or pain in the jaw joint Myalgia (muscle pain) Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) Chronic tension … Functional Disorders


Halitophobia (synonym: fear of bad breath; ICD-10-GM F40.9: Phobic disorder, unspecified) describes the belief or fear of suffering from bad breath. Halitosis (bad breath) is a problem that is often kept quiet about. Hardly anyone openly addresses the person they are talking to about their unpleasant smell, because bad breath is still a taboo subject … Halitophobia

Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KZOT) (ICD-10: K09.0 – Developmental odontogenic cysts) has been classified as a head and neck tumor by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2005. Prior to that, the term keratocyst was used, but it did not do justice to the characteristics of this condition. Histologically (by fine tissue), KZOT, like ameloblastoma, belongs … Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

Burning Tongue and Mucous Membrane (Burning Mouth Syndrome)

Burning mouth syndrome (synonyms: Glossalgia; Glossodynia; Glossopyrosis; ICD-10: K14.6 – Glossodynia) is the burning of the tongue and oral mucosa. About five percent of the population is affected, women suffer significantly more often from the disease. Tongue burning can occur alone or in combination with oral mucosal burning and can be caused by a variety … Burning Tongue and Mucous Membrane (Burning Mouth Syndrome)

Fat Autografting Muscle Injection: Autologous Fat Grafting

In autologous fat grafting (synonyms: Fat Autografting Muscle Injection/Facial Autograft Muscle Injection (FAMI), Autologous Fat Grafting) is a plastic or cosmetic surgery procedure in which fat tissue is removed from one area of the body and transplanted to another area of the body. Due to the multiple body parts on which autologous fat transplantation can … Fat Autografting Muscle Injection: Autologous Fat Grafting

Face Lift

As a result of natural aging of the skin, more wrinkles form on the face and neck. The skin loses elasticity, the muscles become flabby and excess skin appears.This is quite natural, yet many people feel younger than their skin makes them appear. A facelift (synonym: face lift) usually leaves the eye and forehead area … Face Lift

Guided Tissue Regeneration: Guided Tissue Regeneration

Guided tissue regeneration (synonyms: guided tissue regeneration, GTR, regenerative therapy) is used to describe procedures that aim to restore periodontal (tooth-supporting) structures lost in intrabony (“inside the bone”) defects that have been degraded by inflammatory processes (chronic inflammation) that have occurred previously. In the course of periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium), it is not only … Guided Tissue Regeneration: Guided Tissue Regeneration

Guided Bone Regeneration

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a procedure that uses barrier membranes to harness the regenerative capacity of the patient’s own bone to rebuild lost alveolar bone (jawbone), thereby enabling the placement of an implant (an artificial tooth root). Bone defects occur after tooth extractions (removal of a tooth without further surgical measures) and due to … Guided Bone Regeneration

Neck Lift

A consequence of aging is sagging of the skin and neck tissues. In any case, a double chin looks unsightly, makes the face look old, fat and sickly. Likewise, it is possible that fat accumulation is the cause of a double chin. A neck lift can greatly improve the appearance. The neck lift (synonym: face-neck … Neck Lift