
Synonym: DigitusThe hand has a total of five fingers (Digiti), of which the thumb (Pollex) is the first. It is followed by the index finger (index) and the middle finger (digitus medius), which is also the longest of all fingers. The fourth finger is called the ring finger (digitus anularius), followed by the so-called little … Finger

Finger middle and end joints | Finger

Finger middle and end joints The finger middle and end joints (Articulationes interphalangeales) connect the individual phalanges. They are hinge joints, both anatomically and functionally. Movements in one plane (flexion and extension) are therefore possible. These finger joints are also surrounded by a very taut capsule reinforced by a tendon plate. All fingers, with the … Finger middle and end joints | Finger

Pain in the index finger

Definition Pain in the index finger is a very common symptom that affects many people. The pain can be of different types: there is a stabbing, dull, pressing or throbbing pain. Some pains occur exclusively during or after pressure on the index finger, others are permanent and/or independent of pressure or movement. In addition, a … Pain in the index finger

Anatomy of the index finger

Introduction The index finger (lat. Index) is the second finger of our hand. On each hand there is an index finger between thumb and middle finger. Its skeleton consists of three bones, the so-called phalanges. Anatomy In the order from fingertip to finger base there is an upper, a middle and a lower phalanx. The … Anatomy of the index finger

Twitching index finger | Anatomy of the index finger

Twitching index finger Involuntary muscle twitches can occur all over the body, but more frequently in the arms and legs, including the index finger and face. They usually start suddenly and can be of varying intensity and duration. Some twitches are rhythmic in their duration, others are irregular. As a rule, spontaneously occurring, occasional twitches, … Twitching index finger | Anatomy of the index finger