Diagnosis | Inflamed insect bite

Diagnosis The diagnosis of an inflammation at the insect bite is a gaze diagnosis. As a rule, the patient makes the diagnosis himself by observing the signs of inflammation and, if necessary, remembering an insect bite at the appropriate spot. This is more difficult if the patient cannot remember an insect bite or the symptoms … Diagnosis | Inflamed insect bite

Prognosis | Inflamed insect bite

Prognosis Since the inflammation in an insect bite is a normal reaction of the body to the bite and is usually localized, the signs of inflammation usually regress within a short time without complications. Scarring is possible, especially when the skin is injured by scratching. In the case of bacterial infections of the insect bite, … Prognosis | Inflamed insect bite

Blood poisoning caused by an inflamed insect bite | Inflamed insect bite

Blood poisoning caused by an inflamed insect bite The colloquial term blood poisoning is used for two different clinical pictures in the vernacular. One is a clinical picture that affects the lymph vessels, the other an inflammatory reaction affecting the entire body, sepsis. Especially the inflammation of the lymphatic vessels in the body (lymphangitis) is … Blood poisoning caused by an inflamed insect bite | Inflamed insect bite

Inflamed insect bite

An insect bite is especially common during the warm months. While most insect bites are banal events, an insect bite can also be associated with acute complications or those that occur after a certain period of time. While elsewhere a dreaded consequence of an insect bite is the transmission of diseases such as malaria, fortunately … Inflamed insect bite