Gutter Trial: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The Rinne test is a subjective, non-invasive and quickly performable ENT test procedure that uses a vibrating tuning fork to compare the bone conduction and air conduction of an ear. The test procedure can be used to make differential diagnostic statements about the type of hearing loss, which in particular allow a distinction to be … Gutter Trial: Treatment, Effect & Risks


There are different forms of swindling. Phobic swindling is one of the most common forms of vertigo and is typically triggered by situations that are usually accompanied by psychological stress. In some cases, however, the cause is also based on a physical illness. Schwank vertigo usually occurs with panic-like fear of falling and can cause … Swindling

Diagnosis | Swindling

Diagnosis In the diagnosis of swaying vertigo, a detailed anamnesis regarding triggering factors, duration, strength, etc. plays an important role. The diagnosis of phobic swindling is based on a typical medical history and the absence of physical and neurological abnormalities. Further examinations serve to exclude other causes. These include, among others, the control of the … Diagnosis | Swindling

What is the difference between swaying and turning vertigo? | Swindling

What is the difference between swaying and turning vertigo? First of all, the two types of vertigo differ in how the person affected feels. In the case of rotational vertigo, those affected describe that they feel “like being on a merry-go-round”. So they have the feeling that everything revolves around them, where the name “Drehschwindel” … What is the difference between swaying and turning vertigo? | Swindling

Prognosis | Swindling

Prognosis The prognosis of swaying vertigo is usually good after the triggering factors have been identified and eliminated. If there is a chronic dizziness, this often indicates a psychological trigger. This can also disappear again with appropriate psychotherapeutic treatment. Prophylaxis In general, dizziness cannot be treated prophylactically. This makes it all the more important to … Prognosis | Swindling

Vertigo attacks

Definition Vertigo attacks describe the symptom dizziness. It is a sudden onset of dizziness in which the patient has the feeling of losing the ground under his feet. In medical terminology, the dizziness is called Vertigo. More precisely, it is a distorted perception that can affect the environment or movement. The frequency Dizziness is one … Vertigo attacks

The causes | Vertigo attacks

The causes Vertigo attacks can have several different causes. One possible cause can be an increase in pressure in the inner ear. This disease of the inner ear is called Menière’s disease. The inner ear accumulates an increased amount of fluid, the so-called endolymph, which causes the dizziness due to the changed pressure conditions in … The causes | Vertigo attacks

The diagnosis | Vertigo attacks

The diagnosis As part of the anamnesis, the doctor can first obtain information about the occurrence of the vertigo. He will want to know when the dizziness attacks occur, the exact nature of the dizziness, what other symptoms occur and how the symptoms improve.Afterwards, various examinations are performed to help define the exact cause and … The diagnosis | Vertigo attacks

The treatment | Vertigo attacks

The treatment The therapy of a dizziness attack depends strongly on the underlying disease. Thus, some types of vertigo can be treated with medication and the accompanying symptoms can also be alleviated with medication. For example, so-called antihistamines and anticholinergics are used to treat dizziness attacks. Sedative (attenuating) drugs can also be used for severe … The treatment | Vertigo attacks

Hearing aids

Hearing aid, hearing system, hearing glasses, cochlear implant, CI, in-the-ear hearing system, in-the-ear, RIC hearing system, behind-the-ear device, BTE, hearing machine, ear trumpet, concha hearing system, Micro-CiC, noise device, tinnitus noiser, tinnitus masker, receiver-in-canal, tinnitus control instrument A microphone, An amplifier that usually processes the signal digitally, A miniature loudspeaker, also called a handset, Either … Hearing aids

Causes for dizziness

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Vertigo forms: Positional vertigo, rotational vertigo, swaying vertigo, Definition Vertigo Dizziness (Vertigo) is the most common cause for which a doctor is consulted. The causes of vertigo are many and varied. In general, one can differentiate between vestibular vertigo originating from the vestibular organ in the inner ear. Non-vestibular … Causes for dizziness