
Synonyms in a broader sense Internal and external endometriosis, adenomyosis uteri Definition Endometriosis is the irregular appearance of endometrium outside the uterine cavity. Frequency distribution It is estimated that approximately every 10th woman of childbearing age (between puberty and menopause) is affected by endometriosis. The disease is particularly common among women between the ages of … Endometriosis

Treatment | Endometriosis

Treatment The causes for the development of endometriosis have not yet been clearly clarified. It is assumed that endometriosis is a multifunctional disease whose development is triggered by the interaction of various factors. For this reason, treatment is extremely difficult for many of the patients affected. A direct removal of the causes cannot be guaranteed … Treatment | Endometriosis

Prognosis | Endometriosis

Prognosis Even after surgical and drug therapy, symptoms can recur at any time as long as hormonal stimulation of the affected areas is present. However, if the hormonal stimulation decreases due to menopause or surgical removal of the ovaries, a massive reduction in symptoms can be expected. As a supportive measure, the implementation of the … Prognosis | Endometriosis

League | Endometriosis

League The European Endometriosis League is an association that serves the exchange of information and scientific research into the clinical picture of endometriosis. At regular intervals, the European Endometriosis League offers special information events for affected patients and medical professionals. Via the internet portal of the European Endometriosis League, specialist information can be obtained and … League | Endometriosis