Irritation of the throat

Coughing is an important, endogenous protective reflex of our body, but also a common symptom of many diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Before we cough, a subjectively felt coughing stimulus occurs, triggered by various factors, such as foreign bodies or cold air. They irritate individual sensory (lat. : afferent) nerve fibres in the … Irritation of the throat

Suppressing the coughing stimulus | Irritation of the throat

Suppressing the coughing stimulus A coughing irritation and the dry cough that follows it can severely impair everyday life. Those affected therefore often simply try to suppress it. But is that possible? In principle, our coughing irritation can be suppressed to a certain degree. By using breathing techniques, moistening the airways or special posture, for … Suppressing the coughing stimulus | Irritation of the throat