
Denervation is the cutting of nerves or nerve tracts so that they do not transmit information to the brain and, conversely, the brain can no longer send information via the denervated nerve. In the majority of cases, the procedure is performed to eliminate unwanted, mostly chronic pain. Denervation can also be a therapeutic option for … Reservation

Patella | Reservation

Patella The most common reason for chronic pain in the patella is again degenerative wear and tear due to overloading. Especially athletes who have to jump a lot during their sport (long jump, high jump, volleyball, basketball) suffer from this. In the long term, the pain can become so bad that a longer break is … Patella | Reservation

Knee Joint Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Knee joint osteoarthritis or gonarthrosis is the most common form of osteoarthritis in Germany. This chronic disease belongs to the so-called rheumatic forms. Its symptoms, the course of the disease, and options for prophylaxis and therapy will be considered below. What is osteoarthritis of the knee joint? Schematic diagram difference between healthy joint, arthritis and … Knee Joint Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Medications for knee arthrosis

Treatment with medication The treatment of knee arthrosis with drugs serves to reduce pain and inhibit inflammation. It can be administered systemically (e.g. by tablets, drops, etc.) and locally (e.g. by ointments, injections, etc.) with different groups of substances. The following medications are used for knee arthrosis: Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including diclofenac (e.g. Voltaren), ibuprofen … Medications for knee arthrosis

Sports for knee arthrosis

Not so long ago, it was rather rejected or at least controversial to do sports with an existing knee arthrosis. After the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, patients used to be given a general ban on sports by doctors. In the meantime, however, it is now believed that a special sports and strengthening program can have a … Sports for knee arthrosis


Introduction The medical term “gonarthrosis” describes the arthrosis of the knee joint. In osteoarthritis, the cartilaginous joint surfaces of the knee joint are affected and worn, which can be seen from the origin of the word. The word “arthros” (Greek) means joint and the final syllable “-ose” stands for non-inflammatory processes or changes in the … Gonarthrosis

Symptoms | Gonarthrosis

Symptoms In many cases, arthrosis could be diagnosed by X-ray without the patient having any previous complaints. The typical symptoms of arthrosis are joint pain, which initially occurs under stress and after unusual activities. Patients often find it difficult to describe the pain, and the joint is often perceived as stiff. Swelling in the area … Symptoms | Gonarthrosis

Forms | Gonarthrosis

Forms Since the knee joint is composed of three sections, different forms of gonarthrosis are distinguished depending on their localization. Each group can be affected individually or together with the others. One group represents the femoropatellar joint, i.e. the joint surface between the thigh bone (femur) and the kneecap (patella). Retropatellar arthrosis occurring in this … Forms | Gonarthrosis

Classification according to severity | Gonarthrosis

Classification according to severity Different degrees of severity can be distinguished in the course of gonarthrosis. The classification is based on the appearance and degeneration of the joint cartilage. At this stage, the joint cartilage appears slightly frayed. At this stage, the function of the knee joint of the affected person is not yet impaired … Classification according to severity | Gonarthrosis

Summary | Gonarthrosis

Summary Gonarthrosis is a progressive clinical picture in which the articular cartilage in the knee joint is destroyed, resulting in bony changes in the joint. The causes of gonarthrosis are manifold. In addition to aging processes and genetic predisposition, various clinical pictures or obesity can also promote the development of gonarthrosis. Gonarthrosis also results from … Summary | Gonarthrosis

Knee Arthrosis

Synonyms Medical: Gonarthrosis Knee Joint Arthrosis Arthrosis deformans Arthrosis of the knee joint Cartilage damage in the knee Definition Knee osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis) is a degenerative disease of the knee joint, which is characterized by the increasing destruction of the joint cartilage with the joint structures such as bone, joint capsule and muscles close to the … Knee Arthrosis