Tingling on the hand | Is tingling an indication of a slipped disc?

Tingling on the hand

Among other places on the body, it is possible that the tingling sensation after a slipped disc of the cervical spine occurs on the hands. Typically, the herniated disc, which causes discomfort in the hands, is located in the cervical or thoracic spine. The nerves of the cervical and thoracic spine are responsible for the sensitive and motor function of the hand and arm.

If these nerves are impaired, this can lead to sensory and functional deficits. However, a tingling sensation in the hand does not necessarily have to be associated with a herniated disc. If the nerves running along the arm are pinched off, a tingling sensation can also occur. If the symptoms persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted for clarification.

Tingling in the leg

One of the most frequent locations where the typical tingling sensation can occur is in the legs. This is due to the typical location of a herniated disc. Most herniated disks originate in the lumbar spine.

Since the nerves that supply the leg and especially the feet with sensitive and motoric energy run through this region, this is where the disc herniation often leads to failures and sensations. Other typical symptoms besides a tingling sensation in the leg, which indicate a herniated disc in the lumbar spine, are the inability to lift the toes and sensory disturbances (such as numbness) in the foot and leg. If a herniated disc causes tingling in the leg, the disorders often occur on one side only, but rarely the tingling in the legs can affect both sides. – Tingling in the leg – what is behind it?

Tingling at the foot

Foot complaints are frequent symptoms which can occur in the context of a herniated disc of the lumbar spine. In addition to motor disorders, a tingling sensation in the foot can also occur. The exact location of the symptoms of a herniated disc can often provide information about the height of the spine at which the herniated disc of the lumbar spine is located. The tingling sensation in the foot is caused by an impairment of the nerves caused by the herniated disc. In addition to a herniated disc of the lumbar spine, a temporary pinching of the nerves can also lead to a tingling sensation in the foot.

Tingling in the big toe

A tingling sensation in the big toe can be caused by various reasons. A slipped disc in the lumbar spine can be responsible for the tingling sensation, among other things. Since other parts of the foot and lower leg are supplied by the same nerves as the big toe, it is not unusual for tingling to occur in other parts of the foot and leg as well as the big toe. The tingling is caused by an irritation of the nerve root caused by the incident.