The bed | Sleep disorder

The bed The bed also plays a decisive role in sleep disorders. Information about beds can also be found under: massif wood beds All articles in this series: Sleep disorder Sleep disturbance due to jet lag The bed

Age-related hearing loss

Definition – What is presbyacusis? Age-related hearing loss is defined as a hearing loss that naturally diminishes with age. It begins with a hardly noticeable hearing loss around the age of fifty and gradually deteriorates over time. Those affected notice this at the beginning, especially in an increasing inability to perceive high-pitched sounds clearly and … Age-related hearing loss

Associated symptoms | Age-related hearing loss

Associated symptoms Accompanying symptoms of presbyacusis can be of various kinds. One indication may be a beginning inability to separate different noise sources and to concentrate on the desired sound. In the technical terminology this is described as a cocktail party effect. It also describes a concrete situation in which this phenomenon can be observed. … Associated symptoms | Age-related hearing loss

These symptoms indicate a pituitary tumor!

Synonym Pituitary tumor = tumor of the pituitary gland Introduction Pituitary tumours account for about one sixth of all brain tumours and are usually benign. A distinction is made between tumours that are hormonally active and those that are hormonally inactive. The hormone-inactive pituitary tumours only manifest themselves through symptoms that arise from the suppressive … These symptoms indicate a pituitary tumor!

Does a nosebleed indicate a pituitary tumor? | These symptoms indicate a pituitary tumor!

Does a nosebleed indicate a pituitary tumor? Nosebleeds can theoretically occur in brain or skull tumours, but this is more typical for tumours in the paranasal sinuses or throat. The pituitary gland, on the other hand, is separated from the interior of the nose by bony structures, which is why blood is normally unable to … Does a nosebleed indicate a pituitary tumor? | These symptoms indicate a pituitary tumor!

Root filling

Definition Root filling is the last step in the process of root canal treatment and completes the treatment. The root canal, which has been previously freed of nerve tissue, rinsed, disinfected and widened, is sealed airtight so that no bacteria can contaminate the tooth. But why exactly does a root canal filling occur and what … Root filling