Internal Medicine: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Internal medicine is a specialty of medicine that deals with the internal organs, their functions and possible diseases. A specialist in internal medicine is called an internist and practices diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of ailments. If possible, prevention, to prevent certain clinical pictures from developing in the first place, also falls within his scope. What … Internal Medicine: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pus in the navel

Definition If pus is in or leaks from the navel, it is an inflammation caused by bacteria. This can have different causes depending on age and can be accompanied by different symptoms. In any case, the cause should be investigated and appropriate treatment should be given. If you are experiencing pustule at the navel for … Pus in the navel

Associated symptoms | Pus in the navel

Associated symptoms Since pus in or from the navel is due to an inflammation caused by bacteria, the typical accompanying symptoms of an inflammatory reaction can occur. In addition to redness, pain and overheating of the navel, swelling can occur. Itching at and around the navel is also possible. More rarely, but still possible, are … Associated symptoms | Pus in the navel

Diagnosis | Pus in the navel

Diagnosis In order to make a diagnosis of pus in or from the navel, a physical examination and medical consultation are usually sufficient. The development of pus already suggests an inflammation caused by bacteria. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must also identify the most likely cause of the bacterial inflammation. This is then usually … Diagnosis | Pus in the navel

Pyloric Stenosis (Gastric Orifice Narrowing): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gastric pyloric stenosis or pyloric stenosis is a thickening of the passageway from the stomach to the duodenum. It prevents the passage of food and causes gushing vomiting. Pyloric stenosis must be treated or it can cause a life-threatening condition. What is pyloric stenosis? Gastric pyloric stenosis (medical term: pyloric stenosis) is a thickening at … Pyloric Stenosis (Gastric Orifice Narrowing): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Appendectomy (Appendectomy): the Conventional Method of Surgery

Girls and women of childbearing age in particular benefit from the laparoscopic method. In contrast, the conventional method has advantages when the appendix is very severely altered, because it often cannot be removed laparoscopically, or only with great difficulty. In this conventional method, the abdominal cavity is opened through a small incision in the right … Appendectomy (Appendectomy): the Conventional Method of Surgery

Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Abdominal endoscopy, or laparoscopy, is a diagnostic and surgical procedure. The procedure is used in a variety of medical settings and carries relatively few risks. What is a laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is also known as laparoscopy in the medical field. During a laparoscopy, a patient’s abdominal cavity can be viewed from the inside with the help … Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Ascites: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ascites, or abdominal dropsy, is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and is usually a symptom of an advanced underlying disease, most of which have an inauspicious (unfavorable) prognosis. In the vast majority of cases, ascites correlates with cirrhosis of the liver. What are ascites? Ascites (also abdominal dropsy) is the term used … Ascites: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bleeding Between Periods: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Many women are familiar with intermenstrual bleeding, which occurs independently of menstruation during the female cycle. Zwischenblutungen can be both harmless, as well as an expression of worse diseases. Intermediate bleeding should therefore always be clarified by a doctor. What is intermenstrual bleeding? Intermittent bleeding is additional bleeding that occurs independently of female menstruation during … Bleeding Between Periods: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Introduction Indications, advantages and disadvantages The indications why an abdominal endoscopy (laparoscopy) should be performed are very diverse. Probably the most common indication for the use of laparoscopy is the removal of the appendix of the actual appendix (caecum). Only 10 years ago, the removal of the inflamed appendix required a deep open incision at … Laparoscopy

Procedure | Laparoscopy

Procedure Before the actual laparoscopy can start, the patient must be instructed by the respective doctors (anaesthetists, surgeon). Since the operation is performed under general anaesthesia, blood-thinning medication such as aspirin or Marcumar must be discontinued, otherwise there may be unintentional massive bleeding during the operation. In the case of laparoscopy, one must then create … Procedure | Laparoscopy