
Synonym Colonoscopy A colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure in which the inside of the colon can be inspected with a flexible endoscope. A colonoscopy is performed to gain an insight into the rectum and the colon. Indications for a colonoscopy are initially all complaints of the intestinal area that persist over a longer period of … Colonoscopy

Procedure | Colonoscopy

Procedure As a rule, the patient can decide whether he/she wants to receive a sedative (e.g. midazolam) or a short anaesthetic (usually with Propofol) so that he/she does not notice anything from the examination. It should be noted, however, that in this case the ability to drive for 24 hours is considered to be limited. … Procedure | Colonoscopy

Anaesthesia during a colonoscopy | Colonoscopy

Anaesthesia during a colonoscopy In colonoscopy, an endoscope (tubular instrument with camera) is inserted through the anus into the large intestine so that the doctor can detect any changes in the mucous membrane there. This procedure is usually painless, but somewhat unpleasant. Anesthesia is therefore not absolutely necessary for a colonoscopy. In consultation with the … Anaesthesia during a colonoscopy | Colonoscopy

Procedure of a colonoscopy

Synonym Colonoscopy, bowel examination English: colonoscopy Definition A colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure in which the inside of the colon can be inspected with a flexible endoscope. Before the end of the colonoscopy, the patient’s intestine must be cleaned in order to provide the examiner with optimal visibility during the procedure. For this reason, the … Procedure of a colonoscopy

Bowel pain

Definition Pain of the abdomen and thus of the gastrointestinal tract included can show many different facets. The cause does not necessarily have to be attributable to the intestine, because some other causes can also cause abdominal pain. Specifically, intestinal pain, or rather abdominal pain, can come in different pain qualities. It can be said … Bowel pain