Pseudocroup Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Pseudocroup is usually preceded by a viral infection such as a cold or flu with nonspecific symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and fever. This soon develops into the following typical symptoms: Barking cough (similar to a seal), which worsens with anxiety and excitement Whistling breath sounds, especially when inhaling (inspiratory stridor), difficulty breathing. … Pseudocroup Causes and Treatment


Tracheitis, also known as tracheitis in medical terminology, is a disease of the windpipe (trachea) that can have various causes. Tracheitis is divided into an acute form, called acute tracheitis, and a chronic form. This means that the disease develops slowly and persists for a long period of time, possibly even for a lifetime. Tracheitis … Tracheitis

Symptoms | Tracheitis

Symptoms Tracheitis can cause a number of different symptoms, which can vary from person to person and can also differ in the severity of their occurrence. Symptoms include coughing, hoarseness, a scratchy feeling in the throat or a burning sensation behind the breastbone. There may also be an altered sound of breathing, the so-called inspiratory … Symptoms | Tracheitis

Prognosis | Tracheitis

Prognosis The prognosis for tracheitis is generally good. Healing of viral tracheitis usually occurs independently within one week. If the symptoms persist for longer than a few days to weeks, the risk of an additional bacterial infection (so-called “superinfection“) increases, so that antibiotics should be administered. If the symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, … Prognosis | Tracheitis