Therapy | Thrombosis while taking the pill

Therapy The basic therapy of thrombosis includes wearing suitable compression stockings and taking anticoagulant medication. The compression stockings prevent the swelling of the leg from increasing and increase the return flow of blood to the heart. This prevents further development of thrombosis and alleviates the symptoms. The patient is also given heparin, an anticoagulant drug … Therapy | Thrombosis while taking the pill

Pain with thrombosis

Introduction The pain in thrombosis is mainly caused by a blood clot that blocks the vessel, thus reducing the blood flow in the area to be treated or obstructing the outflow of the vessel. This reduced blood supply to the area causes pain, which signals that the area is slowly dying off. A distinction is … Pain with thrombosis

Dangerous complications | Pain with thrombosis

Dangerous complications StrokeThis is an arterial occlusion of the brain vessels. It can lead to speech disorders, impaired vision, disturbances of sensation, motor disorders or headaches. This is also colloquially called a stroke. Heart attackBy carrying the blood clot from the leg to the coronary arteries, the clot can also block the coronary arteries. This … Dangerous complications | Pain with thrombosis