
Symptoms Legionellosis manifests itself in the following symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath Severe pneumonia High fever, chills Muscle pain, aching limbs Headache Legionellosis can lead to severe complications such as respiratory failure and death. Mortality is relatively high. Pontiac fever is a mild infection with Legionella, which lasts only about a week and runs without … Legionellosis

Legionnaire’s disease

Synonyms Legionellosis, Pontiac fever (attenuated course) Definition Legionnaires’ disease is the result of infection with Legionella pneumophila, an aerobic (with oxygen) living, gram-negative rod bacterium, which has its disease significance for humans living in large hot water systems. In Germany there are about 400 cases of the disease per year. In the USA, where the … Legionnaire’s disease

Pneumonia Causes and Treatment

Symptoms The possible symptoms of pneumonia include: Cough with sputum Fever, chills Headache Chest pain, pain when breathing Poor general condition: fatigue, weakness, feeling sick, confusion. Gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Shortness of breath, cyanosis, difficulty breathing, increased respiratory rate. Blood pressure and pulse changes It should be noted that … Pneumonia Causes and Treatment