Listlessness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Listlessness describes a persistent state of lack of energy, the cause of which can be various disorders or medical conditions. Because of the variety of causes, a thorough medical history and individualized treatment are required. Mild forms of listlessness can be prevented and may be cured without medical assistance, while more severe cases require medical … Listlessness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Exhaustion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Not an uncommon example: a successful, confident manager collapses under the weight of unattainable career goals. Exhaustion is attested as the cause. This condition, or better grievance, referred to as exhaustion increasingly affects many people in their professional and private lives. Causes, diagnostic options and the opportunities for treatment and prevention should therefore be known … Exhaustion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Eustress: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The term eustress stands for “positive stress,” while dysstress means “negative stress.” Both terms are often mentioned in the context of stress management. Stress is not always harmful to the human organism, but can also register positive effects. What is eustress? The term eustress stands for “positive stress”, while dysstress means “negative stress”. Both terms … Eustress: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Fatigue Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

The cause of fatigue pain that occurs is usually wear and tear of the affected joints. Overweight, sports or occupational overload often trigger it. Prevention can delay wear and tear, and appropriate treatment can alleviate it satisfactorily for months or even years, depending on the current state of wear. What is fatigue pain? The cause … Fatigue Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Antidepressants: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antidepressants are a group of psychotropic drugs that are primarily used to treat depression of varying severity. The antidepressants chemically intervene in brain metabolism, where they block certain messenger substances such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in order to correct an imbalance of these substances. Although the thesis of the imbalance of neurotransmitters as the … Antidepressants: Effects, Uses & Risks

Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Psychosomatics is a special branch of human medicine. The school is based on a way of looking at things, according to which mental characteristics can also indirectly or directly influence physical health. There is thus an inseparable connection between psyche (mind) and body. The therapy of psychosomatic diseases requires a holistic treatment concept consisting of … Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Adynamia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Adynamia refers to a state of general exhaustion and marked listlessness. It occurs as a result of various physical and mental disorders. What is adynamia? Adynamia refers to a state of general exhaustion and marked listlessness. Adynamia is not a disease in its own right, but rather a symptom. Regardless of its origin, this symptom … Adynamia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment