Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Speech is a basic function of human communication and distinguishes humans from any animal in this area. Human speech in this mature form does not occur in the animal kingdom and is a unique, highly accurate mode of communication among humans. What is speech? Speaking is the core of human communication. While gestures, facial expressions … Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Decerebration Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Decerebration syndrome corresponds to a disruption of the brainstem and neocortex, which can vary in severity. In addition to disturbances in waking consciousness, sensory and motor disturbances present. Treatment depends on the primary cause and, in the case of inflammation, corresponds, for example, to anti-inflammatory drug administration followed by rehabilitation. What is decerebration syndrome? The … Decerebration Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Being a prisoner of one’s own body – a terrible idea that becomes oppressive truth in locked-in syndrome (in German: Gefangensein-Syndrom or Eingeschlossensein-Syndrom). The best-known, media-present example today is probably Stephen Hawking. What is locked-in syndrome? Locked-in syndrome is a complete paralysis of the four limbs and the body, as well as the speech apparatus, … Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment