Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Stem plant Fungus: Clavicipitaceae, parasite on rye and other grasses and cereals. Medicinal drug Secale cornutum, ergot: The sclerotium of Tulasne (PH 4) collected from the ear of rye and dried rapidly over lime immediately without application of heat – no longer officinal. Preparations The old pharmacopoeias contained some preparations, e.g. Extractum Secalis cornuti. Ingredients … Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Ergot Alkaloids

Structure and properties Depending on the side chains, ergot alkaloids are classified into two different groups: Ergometrine-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergometrine, methylergometrine). Peptide-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine, ergotoxine, bromocriptine). Effects Ergot alkaloids exhibit the following effects in varying degrees: Partial agonists at alpha-adrenoreceptors. Partial agonists at serotonin receptors Stimulation of dopamine receptors Contraction of vascular … Ergot Alkaloids

Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?

Introduction: What are memory problems under drugs? One speaks of memory problems under the influence of drugs when a person has taken drugs and shows cognitive deficits in the intoxication or afterwards, i.e. has problems thinking. These include not only the temporary “film tear” after a party night, but also persistent disturbances of short and … Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?

How can it be diagnosed that the memory problems are caused by the drugs? | Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?

How can it be diagnosed that the memory problems are caused by the drugs? Memory problems, attention and concentration disorders can have many causes. For clarification, the most important thing is therefore the medical history, in which the doctor asks the patient about the disorders and possible triggers. If the patient reports drug use, this … How can it be diagnosed that the memory problems are caused by the drugs? | Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?

Duration of memory problems | Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?

Duration of memory problems How long such memory disorders last under the influence of drugs depends on the substance. Alcohol, for example, causes memory problems during the time of intoxication and possibly shortly afterwards, while the use of ecstasy and other drugs can leave permanent memory gaps. Once a person has become dependent, cognitive impairment … Duration of memory problems | Memory problems caused by drugs – What to do?