Diagnosis | Red eyelid – This can be the cause


A doctor can make a reliable diagnosis about what is behind a red eye. In most cases, a precise description of the symptoms and the duration of the complaints helps enormously to filter out the most likely diagnosis. So talk to your family doctor if you have symptoms. He will then certainly be able to help you.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the cause, redness of the eyelid is often accompanied by swelling, itching and pain. These symptoms may or may not all be present at the same time. However, it is also true here that each individual constellation of symptoms can occur and the diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

  • If the eyes are red, swollen and watery, this indicates conjunctivitis. In this case, the eyelids are also often crusted in the morning.
  • Swelling and itching are common symptoms of allergy.
  • Pain, itching and dry skin occur predominantly in neurodermatitis.
  • Swelling, redness and pain can indicate the development of a barley grain.

Red eyelid with swelling

Since reddening of the eye often occurs due to inflammation, swelling of the eyelid is often associated with it.The redness is caused by increased blood flow to the inflamed tissue: this allows more immune cells to reach the inflamed area and fight the pathogens. These cells release more inflammation mediators. These are substances that transmit certain signals in the body.

They also ensure that the vessels become more permeable – more fluid enters the tissue. This causes swelling. This brief explanation of what happens during an inflammation makes it clear that they occur in order to fight the pathogens and ensure rapid recovery. As a result, in many cases the symptoms subside completely on their own after a few days.

Red eye burns

Reddening of the eyelid can also be accompanied by a painful burning sensation. If this is the case, it may be caused by a foreign body or irritating substances, such as soap, which have accidentally entered the eye. It can also happen that the lens of contact lens wearers slip. In this case, a burning and tearing of the eye often occurs. If the lens is removed, the symptoms usually disappear.