Thinking Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Thinking disorders can be divided into formal and content thinking disorders. They do not represent independent diseases, but occur in the context of mental disorders, neurological diseases or individual syndromes. The therapy of the thought disorder depends on the underlying disease. What are thought disorders? Thinking disorders represent mental abnormalities that can occur in the … Thinking Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Amnesia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Amnesia is not an autonomic disease, but rather the symptom of an external or internal effect on the brain. As a result, this is no longer capable of storing new memories or retrieving existing ones. The various types differ according to the type of loss and the type of influence, but they are not necessarily … Amnesia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Memory Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Memory training is derived from the Greek word μνήμη mnémē, memory, and is also known as mnemonics. In order to make training as effective and meaningful as possible, a wide variety of techniques are used to improve the storage of information as well as the memorization and retention of that information. The popular mnemonics are … Memory Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Memory Lapses: Causes, Treatment & Help

Memory gaps or memory disorders and forgetfulness are usually disorders of the memory to reproduce new or old information. In healthy people, the ability to store and remember information is possible without interference. What is a memory disorder? Memory training is usually applied in the initial stages of dementia and orientation disorder adapted to the … Memory Lapses: Causes, Treatment & Help

Employment for Dementia Patients

In seniors suffering from dementia, a gradual decline in mental viability can be observed. Depending on the form but also depending on the stage of dementia, short memory, language, motor skills as well as thinking ability can be affected. With various games, memory training but also employment offers, still existing abilities can be trained.According to … Employment for Dementia Patients


Definition Memory is the ability of the human brain to store information and retrieve it at a later time. The period of time until this information is recalled can be very variable, which is why different types of memory are distinguished. In addition, memory consists of a complex of several successive steps to filter the … Memory

How does memory work? | Memory

How does memory work? In order to be able to store new information at all, a stimulus must first hit a sensory cell. This can be either visual, acoustic or tactile and excites a sensory cell by triggering an electrical impulse. This energy is then also transmitted as an electrical impulse to a nerve cell … How does memory work? | Memory

Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation ability is an interaction of different sensory organs and can be trained to a certain extent. Poor spatial orientation does not necessarily have to be associated with disease value. What is spatial orientation? The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation … Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cornelia De Lange Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdL syndrome) is a genetic dysmorphic syndrome. In association, there are severe to exceptionally mild cognitive disabilities. The expression and prognosis of this disorder are highly variable. What is Cornelia de Lange syndrome? When severe, Cornelia de Lange syndrome is very easy to diagnose based on the variety of physical dysmorphic … Cornelia De Lange Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Korsakow Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

By Korsakow syndrome, physicians mean a form of memory impairment (amnesia), which is one of the mental disorders. The patient has great difficulty remembering newly experienced or learned things. Often, Korsakow syndrome occurs as a result of many years of alcohol abuse. What is Korsakow syndrome? Korsakow syndrome, alternatively called Korsakow’s disease or amnesic psychosyndrome, … Korsakow Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment