Diagnostics | Dizziness and feeling of pressure in the head

Diagnostics A precise anamnesis of the vertigo regarding the time of its first occurrence and its duration is very important. The question of whether the symptoms occur in certain situations or whether there are other accompanying symptoms can already reveal the main cause or narrow down the circle of possible causes. In this case, the … Diagnostics | Dizziness and feeling of pressure in the head

Vertigo attacks

Definition Vertigo attacks describe the symptom dizziness. It is a sudden onset of dizziness in which the patient has the feeling of losing the ground under his feet. In medical terminology, the dizziness is called Vertigo. More precisely, it is a distorted perception that can affect the environment or movement. The frequency Dizziness is one … Vertigo attacks

The causes | Vertigo attacks

The causes Vertigo attacks can have several different causes. One possible cause can be an increase in pressure in the inner ear. This disease of the inner ear is called Menière’s disease. The inner ear accumulates an increased amount of fluid, the so-called endolymph, which causes the dizziness due to the changed pressure conditions in … The causes | Vertigo attacks

The diagnosis | Vertigo attacks

The diagnosis As part of the anamnesis, the doctor can first obtain information about the occurrence of the vertigo. He will want to know when the dizziness attacks occur, the exact nature of the dizziness, what other symptoms occur and how the symptoms improve.Afterwards, various examinations are performed to help define the exact cause and … The diagnosis | Vertigo attacks

The treatment | Vertigo attacks

The treatment The therapy of a dizziness attack depends strongly on the underlying disease. Thus, some types of vertigo can be treated with medication and the accompanying symptoms can also be alleviated with medication. For example, so-called antihistamines and anticholinergics are used to treat dizziness attacks. Sedative (attenuating) drugs can also be used for severe … The treatment | Vertigo attacks

Treatment | Tinnitus

Treatment The acute tinnitus disappears in about 70-80% of cases by treating the cause or disappears on its own. In 20-30% of cases of acute tinnitus, the ringing in the ears remains. It is important to have the tinnitus diagnosed by an ENT physician and possibly other physicians, e.g. orthopedists or internists, depending on the … Treatment | Tinnitus

Prophylaxis | Tinnitus

Prophylaxis Since the cause of tinnitus is largely unknown, the only real recommendation for prophylaxis is to avoid atherosclerosis of the blood vessels (risk of circulatory disorders of the ear) and to reduce stress and postural deformities. Prognosis In some cases, even without treatment, there is a spontaneous disappearance of the ear noises. In case … Prophylaxis | Tinnitus


Synonym noises in the ears, tinnitus Definition Tinnitus is a sudden and constant, mostly unilateral painless ear noise of varying frequency and volume. EpidemiologyResources In Germany about 3 million people suffer from tinnitus. 800,000 of them suffer from ear noises with extreme impairment of everyday life. Approximately 270,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. According … Tinnitus

Treatment of tinnitus

Synonym on the main topic: Tinitus ear noises, tinnitus Tinnitus therapy The therapy of tinnitus depends on the place of origin of the tinnitus on the one hand, and on the duration and severity of the tinnitus on the other. In the case of objective tinnitus, the identification and elimination of the physiological source of … Treatment of tinnitus