Cerebellar Bridge Angle Syndrome | Cerebellar bridge angle

Cerebellar Bridge Angle Syndrome The cerebellar bridge angle syndrome is a combination of symptoms that can occur with tumors in the cerebellar bridge angle (see cerebellar bridge angle tumors). The anatomy of the cerebellar bridge angle allows the derivation of the symptoms. Among the symptoms are: Hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, insecure gait (8th cranial nerve … Cerebellar Bridge Angle Syndrome | Cerebellar bridge angle

Reactive Movements: Function, Task & Diseases

Reactive movements are motor responses to physical and mental stimuli that are distinct from spontaneous movements. Essentially, reactive movements are based on the stretch-shortening cycle that occurs when muscles are actively lengthened. Reactive force is subject to disturbances in neurogenic lesions of the extrapyramidal system. What are reactive movements? Reactive movements usually correspond to rapid … Reactive Movements: Function, Task & Diseases


Synonym lat. cerebrum, Greek. Encephalon, English: BrainThe brain is the most important organ of vertebrates and forms the superior command center of the central nervous system. It regulates all conscious and unconscious functions and processes. The brain is also the most highly developed organ of vertebrates, as its large number of networked neurons (19-23 billion … Brain

Structure | Brain

Structure The brain is divided into several brain sections: Belong to the brain stem: The end and diencephalon of the brain together form the forebrain (prosencephalon), the former consisting of the cortex, the basal ganglia and the limbic system. The latter comprises the structures thalamus, epi-, sub- and hypothalamus as well as metathalamus. The brain … Structure | Brain

Midbrain | Brain

Midbrain The midbrain represents the place in the brain where important central nervous reflexes are activated and switched. It is also the location of important centers that modulate and coordinate motor programs with the help of messenger substances (neurotransmitters). Dopamine plays an important role here. In some people, the production of dopamine is disturbed and … Midbrain | Brain

Summary | Brain

Summary In summary, the brain is the most important superordinate instance of our organism. It is here that a multitude of processes are regulated and executed that enable interaction with the environment. The brain also assumes control over important physical processes that influence the growth and development of the organism. Last but not least, the … Summary | Brain

Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases

Human motor function is controlled by an interplay between the two pyramidal tracts and the three extrapyramidal nerve tracts in the spinal cord. Within this framework, the extrapyramidal or extrapyramidal motor system is primarily responsible for involuntary and automated movements. In inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, as well as in trauma, the extrapyramidal … Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases