Hearing aids

Hearing aid, hearing system, hearing glasses, cochlear implant, CI, in-the-ear hearing system, in-the-ear, RIC hearing system, behind-the-ear device, BTE, hearing machine, ear trumpet, concha hearing system, Micro-CiC, noise device, tinnitus noiser, tinnitus masker, receiver-in-canal, tinnitus control instrument A microphone, An amplifier that usually processes the signal digitally, A miniature loudspeaker, also called a handset, Either … Hearing aids

Torn eardrum

Definition The eardrum is a thin, flat membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It completely seals these two structures from each other. If the continuity of the eardrum is interrupted, the eardrum is called a torn eardrum. Visually, the physician then sees a hole in this structure when inspecting the eardrum. … Torn eardrum

Diagnosis | Torn eardrum

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a ruptured eardrum is made by its visual inspection. To do this, the doctor uses an ear funnel to look into the external auditory canal up to the eardrum and examine its structure. If a tear or hole is visible, the surrounding structures can provide clues as to the cause. Strong … Diagnosis | Torn eardrum