When are the symptoms most severe? | You can recognize a mite allergy by these symptoms

When are the symptoms most severe? For most people who suffer from mite allergy, the symptoms are strongest in winter or during the heating season. Although mites reproduce mainly in early summer and reach their highest populations in late summer or autumn, a maximum amount of mite faeces has accumulated during the winter months. This … When are the symptoms most severe? | You can recognize a mite allergy by these symptoms

Causes of asthma

Introduction Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease associated with hypersensitivity of the airways. Various triggers lead to seizure-like symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing. There are numerous possible triggers that can vary from patient to patient. A rough distinction is made between allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma. In many patients, however, a mixture … Causes of asthma

Drugs as a cause | Causes of asthma

Drugs as a cause Various drugs can be the trigger of so-called drug-induced or drug-induced asthma. The most common cause is certain active ingredients from the group of painkillers. This is not an allergic reaction but an intolerance reaction. The most common triggers of drug-induced asthma are drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or non-steroidal anti-rheumatic … Drugs as a cause | Causes of asthma