
Overview The nail is a cornification product of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin. The curved and approximately 0.5-mm-thick nail plate of the fingernails and toenails rests on the nail bed, which is bounded laterally and proximally by the nail wall, a fold of skin. The nail bed is covered by epithelium (stratum … Nails

Brown Coloration of the Nails

Symptoms The so-called melanonychia longitudinalis manifests itself in a uniform brown to black stripe that runs along the entire nail plate. It is thin or up to a few millimeters wide. The nail change is often observed in dark-skinned people. Causes The cause lies in the production of the pigment melanin, which is formed by … Brown Coloration of the Nails

Chapped cuticles

The skin that lies directly against the nail and covers the non-visible part of the nail is called nail fold. This is also called nail wall, nail fold or, in technical terms, perionychium or paronychium. The nail fold protects the regrown nail plate until it is really firm and visible. If this cuticle is torn, … Chapped cuticles

Home remedy against chapped cuticles | Chapped cuticles

Home remedy against chapped cuticles It is important to find the cause of cracked cuticles. Accordingly, lifestyle modifications and, if necessary, underlying diseases should be corrected. In some cases the use of home remedies is sufficient or additionally helpful. A household remedy of choice is olive oil. The oil should be rubbed generously onto the … Home remedy against chapped cuticles | Chapped cuticles