Chloral Hydrate

Products Chloral hydrate was approved in many countries in 1954 and is commercially available as a solution (Nervifene). Other products such as Medianox and chloraldurate are no longer available. Structure and properties Chloral hydrate (C2H3Cl3O2, Mr = 165.4 g/mol) is in the form of colorless, transparent crystals that are very soluble in water. It has … Chloral Hydrate


Products Pentobarbital is no longer commercially available as a finished drug for human use in many countries. Legally, it belongs to narcotics (schedule b) and is available only by prescription. Pharmacies can order the powder from specialized suppliers. Structure and properties Pentobarbital (C11H18N2O3, Mr = 226.3 g/mol) exists as a white crystalline powder or as … Pentobarbital