Nettle: Medicinal Plant with Tradition

Stinging nettle is rather unpopular because it multiplies en masse and hurts unpleasantly when touched. But as a medicinal plant it has a long tradition and helps with rheumatism, cystitis and prostate problems. Historically, the nettle is a plant with quite an impressive career: the first poetic praise of the nettle was given by the … Nettle: Medicinal Plant with Tradition

Herbal Teas

Products Herbal teas are available in pharmacies and drugstores, specialty tea stores, and grocery stores, among other places. Structure and properties Herbal teas are a group of teas that contain fresh or dried, crushed or whole plant parts. These may come from one or more plants. Blends are referred to as herbal tea blends. Typical … Herbal Teas

Pesto From Your Own Medicinal Plant Garden

Drugs of conventional medicine often consist of an artificially produced active ingredient. Medicinal herbs, on the other hand, are characterized by a balanced composition of many natural active ingredients. In the medicinal herb garden, they grow without the addition of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They should always be consumed fresh. Since this is hardly possible … Pesto From Your Own Medicinal Plant Garden

Cough Mucus: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cough mucus – also sputum, expectoration or mucus discharge – is the term used to describe the coughed-up secretion of the respiratory mucosa and admixed cells. These cells, when diagnosed, can be further differentiated into white blood cells, and in the case of bronchial carcinoma, as malignant cells. In addition, cough mucus may also contain … Cough Mucus: Causes, Treatment & Help

Home Remedies for Calluses

Calluses, which are flatter than corns, are usually formed on heavily used areas of the foot, such as the heel or ball of the foot, and sometimes on the hands during heavy physical work (such as chopping wood or construction work). They are a protective mechanism with which the skin reacts to recurring strong pressure … Home Remedies for Calluses

Nettle Health Benefits

Greater stinging nettle is native to Europe and Asia, while lesser stinging nettle is native to the entire northern hemisphere. Both species have been naturalized as weeds in many countries around the world. The drug material comes from wild occurrences in Bulgaria and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Nettle in herbal medicine In … Nettle Health Benefits

Nettle: Applications and Uses

Nettle herb and leaves have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Internally and externally, the drug is used supportively for rheumatic complaints and, according to recent clinical studies, also for osteoarthritis. Used internally, nettle is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, such as bladder infections, irritable bladder and inflammation of the mucous membranes (catarrh). … Nettle: Applications and Uses

Nettle: Dosage

Nettle herb and leaves are primarily ingested in the form of tea. The drug is available as filter bags, but also as a component of numerous tea blends (bladder and kidney teas). In addition, the herb and leaves can also be taken as mono- or combination preparations in the form of drops, candies, coated tablets … Nettle: Dosage

Nettle: Effect and Side Effects

The diuretic effect of the leaves is mainly due to the relatively high content of minerals such as potassium. These remain to a large extent in the urine and pull water with them (osmotic effect). This leads, but only with sufficient fluid intake, to increased urination. Nettle and its effect The anti-inflammatory (antiphlogistic) effect of … Nettle: Effect and Side Effects

Pain and Burning during Urination: Causes, Treatment & Help

Painful discomfort during urination (concret: alguria – pain and burning during urination) represents a severe impairment of general well-being for those affected and often causes a great deal of suffering. Both women and men of different age groups suffer from these symptoms. What is pain and burning during urination? Burning and pain during urination exclusively … Pain and Burning during Urination: Causes, Treatment & Help