The right diet for osteoarthritis

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a wear-related, progressive disease of joints that can often only be treated symptomatically. In addition to painkillers and physical therapy, an appropriate diet has been recommended for some time. This can positively influence the course of the arthrosis and alleviate the symptoms. The diet includes the increased intake of food that is … The right diet for osteoarthritis

Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis | The right diet for osteoarthritis

Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis Just as a diet can have a positive influence on osteoarthritis, there are foods that should be avoided.These are inflammation-promoting and often generally unhealthy products. In addition, weight loss is also in the foreground here. Most expert and study opinions have in common that an essential part of … Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis | The right diet for osteoarthritis