Training of the rotator cuff | Rotator cuff

Training of the rotator cuff

Training the shoulder muscles not only has an aesthetic and athletic purpose, but is also medically suitable for counteracting future damage in the shoulder area. In order to train the rotator cuff effectively, it is important to take a good look at its functionality: External rotation, internal rotation, abduction and adduction. Attention: Before you start training, you should always pre-stretch your muscles!

For meaningful exercises you also need an exercise band. After you have fixed the exercise band at a fixed point at shoulder height, you can train the inner and outer rotation by extending your arm sideways, holding your elbow at a 90° angle and slowly performing a throwing motion. To train the outer rotation even more effectively, it is recommended to fix the exercise band securely on the floor and then, in the position as just described (upper arm stretched out sideways, elbow at 90° angle), turn the upper arm upwards and thus stretch the band upwards.

Abduction can be practiced by holding both arms to the side of the body, holding the band with each hand, making sure that it is quite taut, and then slowly spreading the arms out to the side. Sports, such as swimming or handball, may be suitable for training the rotator cuff.

  • Acromion (shoulder roof)
  • Thinned supraspinatus tendon
  • Humeral head humerus
  • Shoulder joint (articu- lation glenohumerale)
  • Muscle belly of the suprasinatus muscle (Musculus supraspinatus)