Opium Tincture

Products Opium tincture is manufactured in pharmacies or ordered from specialized suppliers in pharmacopoeia quality (e.g., Hänseler). As of 2019, it is also approved as a finished drug in many countries (Dropizol, oral drops). Opium and the opioids are subject to narcotics legislation. Opium has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Structure and properties … Opium Tincture

Who Discovered Morphine?

Opium, the dried juice from poppy capsules, was already known as a painkiller in ancient times. But how many active ingredients were contained in raw opium, and why equal amounts of opium often produced different effects, needed more detailed analysis. History of morphine It was not until 1805 that the groundbreaking isolation of the active … Who Discovered Morphine?