Danazol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Danazol is a synthetic steroid hormone and is responsible for hormonal management. In the 70s, Danazol was approved and released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In Germany Danazol is no longer available since 2005. However, danazol is still available abroad. What is danazol? Danazol is a sex hormone that increases and checks masculinity. … Danazol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Veterinarian: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

A veterinarian, also called a veterinarian, deals with the research, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases in the broadest sense. Basically, depending on the location and area of responsibility, rural veterinarians and small animal veterinarians are distinguished. In order to work as a veterinarian, a relevant university degree must be completed. What is a veterinarian? … Veterinarian: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Trichophyton Tonsurans: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Trichophyton tonsurans is a dermatophyte. The fungus mainly attacks skin and its appendages, i.e. hair and nails. It belongs thereby to one of the most important pathogens of the Dermatophytosen or also the Tinea. What is Trichophyton tonsurans? Trichophyton tonsurans is a filamentous or hyphal fungus. It also includes other dermatophytes such as Epidermophyton floccosum … Trichophyton Tonsurans: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Red cell osmotic resistance is a measure of how strongly the membranes surrounding red cells resist an osmotic pressure gradient. A partial osmotic pressure develops at the semipermeable membranes of erythrocytes when they are surrounded by a saline solution that is below their own (physiological) salt concentration of 0.9 percent. Red blood cells absorb water … Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Extrasystoles: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Short misfires or stumbles of the heart have been experienced by almost everyone. These so-called extrasystoles can occur for no apparent reason, but also in stressful situations. While they are usually harmless and disappear quickly, in other cases they can be the harbinger of serious heart disease. In such cases, appropriate treatment of the extrasystoles … Extrasystoles: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Analgesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The term analgesia is used in medicine to describe the elimination of pain. It is a pain therapy with the help of a reduction or even interruption of the excitation conduction or by drug administration. What is analgesia? In medical terminology, analgesia refers to the elimination of the sensation of pain with the help of … Analgesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Marsh Marigold: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Already in the Middle Ages, marsh marigold found application as a medicinal plant. Today, it is used rather rarely. Nevertheless, its diuretic, antispasmodic and expectorant effects can be used for numerous diseases. However, due to the strong change in our landscapes, it is already on the red list in some states and is considered endangered. … Marsh Marigold: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits