King-Kopetzky Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

King-Kopetzky syndrome is the term used to describe an obscure auditory dysfunction or auditory processing disorder. Auditory means “pertaining to the auditory system.” This disorder is still relatively understudied, but affects about ten percent of all patients who seek medical treatment for hearing problems. Adults, older children and adolescents are particularly affected. What is King-Kopetzky … King-Kopetzky Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Rhinoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Rhinoscopy represents an instrumental examination procedure for the evaluation of the nasal cavity. In general, rhinoscopic visual examinations are among the routine procedures in otolaryngology and are associated with correspondingly low risks and complications. What is rhinoscopy? Rhinoscopy is the term used to describe the visual inspection or mirroring (-copy) of the nose (rhino-). Rhinoscopy … Rhinoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tympanic membrane injuries (also: tympanic membrane perforation, tympanic membrane rupture) include ruptures (tears) and perforations (holes) in the membrana tympani. Injuries to the tympanic membrane are usually due to inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) or direct or indirect force. What are tympanic membrane injuries? Sharp ear pain is the most typical characteristic of … Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment