How is entropion treated? | Entropion – The inversion of the eyelid

How is entropion treated? In the case of a slight entropion that occurs only temporarily, the eyelid can be put under tension with an adhesive tape on the lower eyelid, so that the edge turns outwards and is brought back into the correct position. Another possibility that is only minimally operative would be the so-called … How is entropion treated? | Entropion – The inversion of the eyelid

What are the causes of entropion? | Entropion – The inversion of the eyelid

What are the causes of entropion? The cause is usually an imbalance between the traction force of the eyelid closing muscles and the eyelid opener. In entropion senile there is an increased muscle tension (muscle tone) of the muscle orbicularis oculi. Other causes can also be a chronic eyelid spasm (blepharospasm) and scars of the … What are the causes of entropion? | Entropion – The inversion of the eyelid