What are the causes of entropion? | Entropion – The inversion of the eyelid

What are the causes of entropion?

The cause is usually an imbalance between the traction force of the eyelid closing muscles and the eyelid opener. In entropion senile there is an increased muscle tension (muscle tone) of the muscle orbicularis oculi. Other causes can also be a chronic eyelid spasm (blepharospasm) and scars of the conjunctiva (e.g. due to bacterial infections; conjunctivitis). Entropion (Entropium spasticum) can also occur if the conjunctiva is irritated as a result of inflammation of the eye or after an operation. Scarring of the conjunctiva, for example as a result of an infection, can lead to scar entropion due to shrinkage.

What is the prognosis for entropion?

If the eyelid malposition has been corrected early and the cornea has been treated accordingly, the prognosis is good. Relapses (recurrences) occur and may require a new operation. The infant entropion often recedes of its own accord.