Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome

Note You are here in the sub-theme Symptoms and Signs of Burnouts. You can find general information on this topic under Burnout . The symptoms of burnout are very diverse and often vary greatly from person to person. Physical symptoms include blood pressure fluctuation, impotence, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, palpitations, tinnitus, headache, frequent flu-like … Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome

12-phase progression | Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome

12-phase progression Various authors have divided the burnout syndrome into twelve phases, but these do not have to occur in exactly this order. – The urge for recognition is very strong. The resulting exaggerated ambition leads to excessive demands, as too high goals are set. It manifests itself through an exaggerated willingness to perform, which … 12-phase progression | Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome

Behavioural Therapy | Therapy of the Burnout Syndrome

Behavioural Therapy Unfortunately, there is no standardised first-choice therapy method for a burnout syndrome. The therapy must always be tailored to the individual patient in order to be able to respond to his or her very special needs. An important element here is to rethink and review one’s own work and life situation. So-called behavioural … Behavioural Therapy | Therapy of the Burnout Syndrome

Prophylaxis | Therapy of the Burnout Syndrome

Prophylaxis If you recognize early enough that you are potentially at risk of burnout, you are quite capable of preventing the development of the disease. This must be done on two levels. Firstly, the external stress factors described under “Causes” must be reduced. The affected person must learn to give up/reject responsibility and thus delegate … Prophylaxis | Therapy of the Burnout Syndrome

Diagnosis | Burnout syndrome

Diagnosis Since the burnout syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, the diagnosis should only be made by a specialist. He has various methods at his disposal. Maslach-Burnout Inventory is a questionnaire on the frequency and severity of the three main symptoms of exhaustion, depersonalization, and dissatisfaction with performance. Copenhagen-Burnout-Inventory is a further questionnaire comprising … Diagnosis | Burnout syndrome

Forecast | Burnout syndrome

Forecast The sooner a burnout syndrome is diagnosed, the better the chances of a complete recovery. For many, a lengthy therapy is necessary to find the way back to a regular life. Nevertheless, most of those affected succeed in doing so well. Nevertheless, the burnout syndrome is a serious disease that should never be trivialised … Forecast | Burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome

Synonyms Burnout Exhaustion Burnout/Burnout State of total exhaustion Burn out Definition The name “burnout” comes from the English “to burn out”: “burn out”. This is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion that is accompanied by a massive lack of drive and performance. People in social professions, such as nurses, doctors and teachers, are particularly … Burnout syndrome

Causes | Burnout syndrome

Causes The cause of a burn-out is assumed to be a vicious circle of overwork and excessive demands that has lasted for years. During this chronic stress phase, a burn-out occurs due to interaction on two levels. One can very well imagine a burn-out syndrome as the end point of a downward spiral. At the … Causes | Burnout syndrome